Things to remember, Twice

Things to remember, Twice, 2016,  Collaboration with Brian Sloan (click image to enlarge)
244 x 365 cm

Still Searching, contour Y

Still Searching, contour Y, 2016  Collaboration with Brian Sloan (click image to enlarge)
244 x 365 cm

Andy Warhol cleans a sink

Andy Warhol cleans a sink, 2015  (click image to enlarge)
92 x 92 cm

Stories We Tell, Chapter One

Stories We Tell, Chapter One, 2016  Collaboration with Brian Sloan (click image to enlarge)

Intuitive Landscape 1

Intuitive Landscape 12016  (click image to enlarge)
92 x 92 cm

Places to Stand

Places to Stand, 2016  (click image to enlarge)
92 x 92 cm

Things to remember, Once

Things to remember, Once, 2016  Collaboration with Brian Sloan (click image to enlarge)
244 x 365 cm

Stories We Tell, Chapter Two

Stories We Tell, Chapter Two, 2016  Collaboration with Brian Sloan (click image to enlarge)
182 x 244 cm

Still Searching, contour Z

Still Searching, contour X, Y, Z    installation shot

Still Searching, contour Z, 2016  Collaboration with Brian Sloan (click image to enlarge)
244 x 365 cm